By Iuliana Daniela Lungu – XI B class
“Vasile Alecsandri” High School, Galati, Romania

I will start with a quotation by Arthur Eddington,the most important astrophysicist from the early 20th century, that betrays the shade of the science in this world : “Once that our eyes have opened ,we can not come back at the old vision of the world. But every revolution of scientific thinking means words planted on the same music, and all that have happened before is not destroyed, but gazed from another angle.”

The human being has pressed hard to obtain the knowledge in different forms, looking for explanations and inspecting his own world for answers. They have always used their prodigious mind – as well as imagination and faith –for grasping elements that seemed impossible to understand.

In my opinion, science does not mean only test tubes or strange machines. And neither dissected frogs or some names of plant species. Science is a way of thinking, a vital method, which develops permanently, to see the world. Is a way to discover how does the world work -a special way ,which uses a set of rules imagined by scientists to help finding out ,among other things, their own mistakes.

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