What does science mean to me!

by Madalina Mihai, class X B
“Vasile Alecsandri High School, Galati, Romania

The whole world is a great game, involving challenge, passion and creativity. We are all players, trying to get closer and closer to the end of this endless game.

Science is just the way we can play it, is the power of humans to improve their lifes. Like a playful child, science is inquisitive, asking questions and searching answers all the time. Being also an attempt to understand the world around us, is a prove of civilization and reprezents the desire of humankind to evolve, to reach superior levels.

Don’t consider as “scientific” only imposing things or astonishing experiences such as cloning, rockets, aircrafts, satellites or powerful computers. Generally speaking, science seems to be, for most of us, something that has nothing to do with our daily life. But, everything that nowadays is commonly used, part of our life, has once been a scientific discovery, like the washing machine, fridge, phone, credit cards, nail polish, instant coffee or tea bags.

With imagination, open minds and perpetual search, remembering that sometimes things aren’t how we expect them to be, taking little but important steps, we’ll keep on playing this misterious game!

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