What is it the word SCIENCE?

by Adriana Obreja, class X B
“Vasile Alecsandri” High School, Galati, Romania

Think about a world with no technology…no means of transport, no television, no phones, no electric power, no anything! For humankind, it would mean the return to antiquity, where people would become no more than savages. Science had made it possible for us, as a whole, to evolve greatly and to increase human understanding of how the physical world works.

However, clearly, we have not reached a fully developed understanding, as war, even at this stage of evolution, is a constant threat. If a nuclear war were to be commenced, all science and technology would be eradicated completely. This threat is no fiction, as during the Cold War we were awfully close to a worldwide catastrophe.

Science is, in my opinion, as necessary as it is dangerous. People cannot find a middle way through their unresolved conflicts, preferring to create weapons of a complexity far beyond our understanding, in order to destroy. It is easier to destroy rather than to create, and only a small percentage of the humankind has the ability to create. Science is being used in wrong purposes, and this is leading us nowhere. At this stage, numerous dangers are threatening humankind, as a result of our careless actions towards nature.

Global warming, the thinning of the ozone layer, the high level of the dioxide carbon from the atmosphere are only a few problems which scientists are facing. Bottom line, science has permitted us to evolve, however as long as we do not reach a certain level of understanding, science can become our enemy.

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