• Water is a liquid. It doesn’t have its own form; it takes the container’s form.
• When we pour water in a glass, water takes the glass form.
• When we spill water on the floor, it spreads because nothing keeps it in a certain form.
Where does water disappear?
Water from mere disappear when is hot. It transforms in small drops and we don’t see it. These drops, named water gas, stand up in air. The water alteration in water gas and them standing up in air is named evaporation. Air is full of water gas because the Sun’s fieriness makes water from sea and ocean evaporates. When the water gas are standing up, they meet the cold air form high and transform in drops of rain, which accumulate in clouds. The rain drops fall on the ground. The water gas transformation in water is named condensation.• When we pour water in a glass, water takes the glass form.
• When we spill water on the floor, it spreads because nothing keeps it in a certain form.
Where does water disappear?
The water’s pressure
When we stay in a pool and the water is near our neck, our hands are moving because water hitches them.
Why do boats float?
Boats float because they push water. If they crow out more water, water pushes them.
Sea and ocean
Hot water and cold water
Water blanket three parts from the Earth area. At Equator, sea are hot, in South-Pole they are cold. Currents can concur at the warming up or the water refrigerating. Currents are parts of water which can move and form big water rings. They are the Earth rotation aftermath.
Why are sea and ocean salt?
Rivers and raining water wash saline minerals form the ground. Some animal use salt for their conches. Small seas are the most salt. The Dead Sea from Israel is so salt, that fish can’t live there. If sea and ocean deplete, from the salt we can build round the Equator a bench high 282 km and sluggish 1, 5 km.
What are winds?
Water seems to get forward, but really it goes up and down. Winds can pervade hundreds of kilometers. They are high and their copings are bowling when it arrives ashore. Earthquakes and submarine eructation cause big winds, with high about 10 meters.
Water stands up and retires twice a day. These phenomenons are named high tide and low tide and are caused by the Moon and the sun attraction. The Moon surrounds the Earth, it has an attraction effect about the sea and ocean’s water, which stands up where’s the Moon (high tide) and retires on the other side of the Earth (low tide).
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