What does science mean to me?

By Oana Caramite – XI B class
“Vasile Alecsandri” High School, Galati, Romania

Science is something that you cannot separate from the aspects of your life; it is something that mixes itself so well with life that it is very hard to just try to identify its branches. When said the word ‘science’ it connects with physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, communication or maybe daily life because today it cannot be made a step without bumping into something that relates to it.

Science for me is people walking through darkness- endless, deep darkness- with merely some lamps, trying desperately to make some light. But they have just some lamps- or flashlights- that require mineral oil, or batteries. How are they going to clarify pitch obscurity with just that?

But surprisingly they manage to enlighten a small area- a little thread of hope. This is how it- science- progresses: little by little, with great power and courage and with patience that defies the very time.

This is its mission: making Light through the Darkness!

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