What does science mean to me?

by Radu Morindau, X B class
„Vasile Alecsandri” High School, Galati, Romania

As we all know science is the knolodge gained during times of humankind.It is the biggest thing that happened to humanity.

In my early years I grew up at the countyside and every weekend at the national post there was a show about aliens.Since then these creatures fascinate me.I’ve seen tons of documentaries and read lots of books about them. Even though many scientists don’t recogneize their existance I know that they are somewhere ,just waiting for me.One of my earliest dreams was to get evidence of their existence in order to show the people of this planet that don’t believe ,the truth about this world and the only thing that can help me do this is science.Science is the only constant thing in my life and the knowledge gained throught the years helped me to explain many things.

The stars will always watch over me and the enigma of the aliens will always thrill me. Without science these things would be unexplainable, and distant. But with the gift of knowledge iIhope these mysteries will have an answer and my life will one day be complete.

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