Drinking Water

by Andreea Verdes, XI B class
“Vasile Alecsandri” High School, Galati, Romania

Drinking water mustn’t contain animal and vegetal organisms; it is necessary to gratify requirements with a superior quality related to physical, chemical, biological and bacteriological donatives.

The input with water to urban dealings represents a big importance, because water must be treating before appending it to people.

For the water cleaning are used:
- ozone(O3);
- chlorine(Cl2);
- baclor(Ca(ClO)2)
- aktivin(NH2OH);

In the case of chlorine is used approximately 0, 1 mg chlorine for one liter water. A bigger amount of chlorine gives water a disagreeable taste and a bad smell.

American services add to drinking water a little sodium fluoride (NaF) for combating dental caries.

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